How Can Businesses Cash In on the Benefits of Compostable Pouch

These bags are made of vegetable matter, such as potato starch or cornstarch. Once these bags are exposed to enough moisture, they will start the process of composting — along with whatever other organic materials you have inside of them.


Benefits of Compostable Pouches on the Brand Image

One of the less talked about business benefits of compostable bags is the green image it can project to your customer. Today, a growing number of customers are appreciating and favoring business that make efforts to protect the environment.

A Nielsen global online study found that approximately 51% of Baby Boomers will pay more for products and services from companies who are committed to social change and environmental impact. If you're looking for ways to increase profits and impact your bottom line, utilizing compostable bags and sharing your organization's green initiatives may be an excellent way to get started.


Reduce Carbon Brand's Carbon Footprint

One of the most commonly talked about compostable bag benefits is the reduction of the brand's carbon footprint. Unlike regular plastic, compostable bags use minimal carbon emissions during the manufacturing process.

Regular plastics and plastic bags are produced from oil and create a jaw-dropping four tons of emissions, while compostable bags and compostable bags emit a mere .8 tons of carbon. As you can see, the manufacturing of compostable bags contributes nominally to global warming and the greenhouse effect.


Compostable Pouches Save Precious Landfill Space

When non-compostable plastics are discarded, they're simply taken to landfills where they can remain for hundreds upon hundreds of years. Instead of using this precious land to create food, for parks for children, or for residences, the land is simply used to house trash.

Compostable trash bags, however, do not add to the growing amount of space reserved for landfills. Instead, these plastics can be absorbed by the soil to be converted into compost or humus.


Compostable Pouches are Safer for Environment & Recyclable

Because plastic takes hundreds of years to biodegrade, microorganisms inside of the regular plastic bag will decompose in an unnatural manner. This increases the likelihood of it producing toxic substances that can contaminate the environment.

Once these toxic and potentially harmful substances are produced, they make their way into the environment and make it intolerable for other living things. Animals at the bottom of the food chain will eat these toxic substances, and it will work its way to the top of the food chain to cause diseases and deaths to living things.

One of the key compostable bag benefits is that they are truly compostable. This means it allows the contents to naturally biodegrade and be reintegrated into the soil without the production of toxic substances.


Source: AAAPolymer


Click the below link and connect with BPS that Offers a variety of sustainable packaging solutions:

l  Recyclable Pouch

l  Compostable Pouch

l  Plastic Saving Paper Pouch

